Am Montag, 22. Januar, besuchte die Theatergruppe des White Horse Theatre zum ersten Mal unsere Schule. Für die 7. und 8. Klassen spielten die vier Schauspieler aus London, Brighton, New York/Türkei und Dänemark „The success story“. Die 11. Klassen und die Klasse 10g erlebten Shakespeares „Comedy of Errors“ live auf der Bühne.
Einige Stimmen aus den 8. Klassen beweisen, dass der Theaterbesuch für die Unter- und Mittelstufe ein voller Erfolg war:
„I have seen a lot of plays, but this one was by far the best one I’ve ever seen. Like the actors did it very well, interacted with the audience, was funny because it was so relatable. Even the random things (…) were very funny. I’d like to see it again and other plays.“
„We enjoyed the show because it was very entertaining and funny. We liked that they left the stage and made jokes with the audience. We also liked the topic and the message they forwarded that everyone had an awesome experience!“
Die Shakespeare Aufführung war für unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler der 10. und 11. Klasse hingegen eine Herausforderung, da die Sprache Shakespeares im Stück wenig vereinfacht war. Unter den kritischen Stimmen fand sich allerdings auch Positives:
„Although the play was difficult to understand, I really liked the actors and actresses. Especially the woman with the black hair did a great job by changing her accents. The facial expressions combined with the changing costumes made the play all in all very interesting and entertaining.“
„I really enjoyed the theatre, it was a great experience to watch real actors play their roles in real life and not only in films.“
„Although the English was a bit tough, I mostly understood what the play is about. The actors have played the different roles very well, incorporated emotions and tried to let them speak differently. In my opinion the switches from one figure to another were very funny.“
Alles in allem sind wir sehr dankbar, dass uns die Theatergruppe einen anregenden Vormittag beschert hat, und freuen uns, wenn es nächstes Jahr für White Horse wieder heißt: Our stage is yours!
Johanna Chaldeos, Marion Oertel, Dr. Karoline Wellner